
Click on the Image to View

  1. Get the count of total indoor patients who are currently admitted. View details in tabular format. Get quick discharge link. This helps to manage admitted patients.
  2. Get the count of total indoor patients who are supposed to be discharged today. View details in tabular format. Get a quick discharge link. This facilitates a quick discharge.
  3. Get the count of total indoor patients when the expected discharge date is over. View details in tabular format. Get a quick discharge link.

Patient Registration

Patient Registration
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Patient Registration
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  1. A system-generated registration ID will be auto-populated on the registration form along with the registration date.
  2. The registration date cannot be modified, as it may lead to fraud activity.
  3. Specify the assigned doctor's name.
  4. Select Hospitalization Type: cash or cashless. This provides the option to utilize health insurance, Ayushman Bharat Scheme, or any other government scheme. There is a third `Other` option available to specify any other type.
  5. The patient party phone number mentioned here will be used later on in the patient search or update operation.
  6. Once the registration is done, take a printout or proceed to Package Declaration.

Package Declaration

Package Declaration
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  1. Mention the package deal that is done with the patient party at the time of registration. This is optional, but it helps with billing.
  2. Enter the number of days required to admit the patient and the amount that is agreed upon with the patient party.
  3. The amount mentioned here is not the final billing amount. It's just a high-level estimation.
  4. Tick the final package checkbox in case the package deal is finalized. If not, then do it later.
  5. Specify the expected discharge date. This will help the dashboard monitor the treatment journey.
  6. Once the discharge date is finalized, specify the actual discharge date.
  7. Once the package declaration is done, save the entry and proceed with the next step. Take the printout if needed and/or proceed to patient admission.

Patient Admission

Patient Admission
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Patient Admission
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  1. To admit a patient, specify the guardian name and the person who bought the patient.
  2. If eligible, enter the referrer/motivator name, contact information, and referrer amount here on the admission form. A referrer or motivator refers to the person who brings the patient for commission.
  3. Once the admission is done, take a printout and hand it over to the patient party.
  4. Additionally, proceed to upload the patient's medical history documents, or proceed to pay the referrer, or proceed to advance payment, or proceed to generate an invoice.

Upload Patient's Medical Documents

Upload Patient Files
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  1. Upload single or multiple files of the medical reports of the patients to track their medical history.
  2. Once uploaded, the files will be stored in the system in the respective directories named after the patient registration ID.
  3. The uploaded scanned documents will not get backed up during the backup operation.
  4. Only pdf, jpg, png, and gif files are allowed to be uploaded, with a maximum size of 3MB. The size is customizable.
  5. Only admins could delete files if required.
  6. Even if the patient is discharged, you may upload his or her medical reports.

Advance Payment

Advance Payment
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  1. Make the advance payment entry if the patient party wishes to pay. The final amount will be adjusted at invoice bill.
  2. Make multiple entries during the admissions period.
  3. Payment dates will be auto-populated, so no one can distort the data.
  4. Online or cash: both of the payment options are available. This helps to accurately measure the account balance.
  5. Once done, save the entry and proceed with the next step. Take the printout if needed.


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Click on the Image to View
Click on the Image to View

  1. Before discharging the indoor patient, generate the invoice to produce the total bill amount.
  2. Select the GST category between 1. Tax Exempt, 2. Nil Rated, and 3. Taxable.
  3. Based on GST category selection, appropriate fields will be populated.
  4. Note that once the GST category is selected and saved, it can't be reverted back.
  5. Mention particulars, HSN, or SAC details along with the GST percentage, if applicable.
  6. If the patient party is offered discounts, then apply here.
  7. The grand total will be calculated after deductions for advance money and discounts, if applicable.
  8. If the patient party wishes to make a partial payment, then the amount paid needs to be entered, and the rest of the amount will go into the due book.
  9. Online or cash: both of the payment options are available. This helps to accurately measure the account balance.
  10. Make multiple entries if needed during the admissions period.
  11. Once done, save the entry and proceed with the next step. Take the printout and hand it over to the patient party.

Discharge Patient

Discharge Patient
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  1. A patient cannot be discharged until the invoice is generated.
  2. Once the treatment is over, discharge the patient by providing details of `Who discharged the patient` and the relationship he or she has with the patient.
  3. As the discharge of the patient is a one-time operation, and to mitigate accidental clicks on the `Discharge` button, the system will ask for confirmation.
  4. Once done, take the printout and hand it over to the patient party.

Dues Management

Dues Management
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  1. Once the patient is discharged, and if there is any due left, on the due book page, settle down the due amount.
  2. Make multiple entries if required.
  3. Online or cash: both of the payment options are available. This helps to accurately measure the account balance.

Pay Referrers

Pay Referrers
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Pay Referrers
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  1. To pay the referrer or motivator who brings patients to the hospital, use the Referrers Summary page.
  2. All the referrer lists are presented here in tabular format for the current month.
  3. To see previous month referrer details, select the admission month and get the view.
  4. Once the `Is Paid?` checkbox is ticked, a modal will be opened to settle the referral fee transaction by cash or online transfer payment mode.

Search for patients

Search for patients
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Search for patients
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  1. Search patients by mobile number or view patient details by providing the registration ID.
  2. If there are multiple entries available for a single phone number, then the search results will be shown for all the patients associated with that number in tabular format.

View Monthly Report

View Monthly Report
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  1. Generate a monthly report of patients by selecting the admission month.
  2. The Monthly Report of the Patients helps keep track of hospital service operations.

Track Payment

Track Payment
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  1. Select the start date and end date to get all indoor patient payment details within that period.
  2. The view is divided into cash and cashless to calculate the total transactional amount for each segment.

View All Dues

View All Dues
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  1. To view all indoor patient dues, select the start date and end date.
  2. The search results will provide a `Clear Due` link as a shortcut.

GST Report

GST Report
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  1. To view all indoor patient GST reports, select the start date, end date, and GST type.
  2. The search results will show the sum of all CGST, SGST, or IGST transactions.
  3. The GST Report helps with the annual tax file.

Update Database

Update Database
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Update Database
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  1. Update the Aadhar number or voter ID details if the patient party didn't bring it at the time of admission.
  2. Additionally, update all other details about the patient by clicking on the `Update Database` card.
  3. Only the admin could visit the `Update Database` page and do data alterations.
  4. The update database option is feasible when the patient data is wrong or any accidental wrong entry happened.
    Disclaimer: As the patient data is sensitive, use this feature wisely.
  5. Delete a patient data record permanently by entering the patient registration ID.

Birth - Death Certificates

Click on the Image to View
Click on the Image to View
Click on the Image to View

  1. Generate birth or death certificates for the indoor patients, or start a fresh one.
  2. Just fill in the details and save it. Once done, get the printout and hand it over to the mother.
  3. View all the certificate summaries for a given month.

Generate Outdoor Bill

Generate Outdoor Bill
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  1. A system-generated outdoor registration ID will be auto-populated on the form, along with the created date and time.
  2. Select the GST category between 1. Tax Exempt, 2. Nil Rated, and 3. Taxable.
  3. Based on GST category selection, appropriate fields will be populated.
  4. Note that once the GST category is selected and saved, it can't be reverted back.
  5. Mention particulars, HSN, or SAC details along with the GST percentage, if applicable.
  6. If the patient party is offered discounts, then apply here.
  7. If the patient party wishes to make a partial payment, then the amount paid needs to be entered, and the rest of the amount will go into the due book.
  8. Online or cash: both of the payment options are available. This helps to accurately measure the account balance.
  9. Once done, save the entry and proceed with the next step. Take the printout and hand it over to the patient party as a receipt copy.

Search Previous Bills

Search Previous Bills
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  1. Search outdoor patients by mobile number or view patient and bill details by providing the registration ID.
  2. If there are multiple entries available for a single phone number, then the search results will be shown for all the patients associated with that number in tabular format.

Outdoor Dues

Outdoor Dues
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  1. To view all indoor patient dues, select the start date and end date.
  2. The search results will provide a `Pay Due` button on the right side where the due amount can be settled fully or partially.
  3. Online or cash: both of the payment options are available for outdoor due payment. This helps to accurately measure the account balance.

Outdoor Patients History

Outdoor Patients History
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  1. Toggle between Taxable or Non-Taxable Category to show exact result for outdoor patient history for a given month.
  2. The search results will show the sum of all CGST, SGST, or IGST transactions and net amount.
  3. The outdoor patient history report helps with the annual tax file.

Pharmacy Inventory

Patient Registration
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Patient Registration
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  1. View all the pharma items that are not expired in one place.
  2. Show 10, 25, 50, or 100 entries at a time. Select the option from the dropdown. By default, 10 entries are selected.
  3. Search for a particular medicine or pharma item by batch number, name, alias, type, hsn/sac number, items/strips, expiry date, and expiry date. This feature helps to quickly search for items.
  4. Apply any sorting mechanism, ascending or descending, by clicking on the table header tags. For example, click on the expiry tag, and the item list will be sorted based on the expiry date.
  5. If the item is a tablet, then it is shown in `X+X [X]` format, where it denotes 'Available Strips'+'Available Pieces' [Pieces per Strip].
  6. If more than the selected entries are listed, then pagination could help to view the next set.

Generate Pharmacy Bill

Generate Pharmacy Bill
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  1. Mention

Add Medicines

Add Medicines
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  1. Mention


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  1. Mention

Pharmacy Selling History

Pharmacy Selling History
Click on the Image to View

  1. Mention

Pharmacy Dues

Pharmacy Dues
Click on the Image to View

  1. Mention

Add Expense

Add Expense
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  1. Mention

Cash Deposit

Cash Deposit
Click on the Image to View

  1. Mention

Search Previous Expenses

Search Previous Expenses
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  1. Mention

Search Previous Deposits

Search Previous Deposits
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  1. Mention

Account Summary

Account Summary
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  1. Mention

Settings & Backup

Settings & Backup
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  1. Mention